Contact Us

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Get in Touch with Us

We love to hear from you and tell us your opinions your opinions matter. In our temple, we practice free speech as long it doesn’t harm or defame people.

Contact Information

For general inquiries, support, or feedback, please use the following contact details:

Name: John Doe


Why Contact Us?

It helps us by letting us know who is out there is listening to us we are trying to reach as many chosen ones that have been called out to serve humanity these are some of the qualities we are looking for in a candidate.

  • If you feel like God is calling you to a higher purpose
  • You’re a true natural leader. You cannot follow the status quo.
  • you question everything
  • You ponder deep philosophical questions.
  • You have an inner knowing of the potential to impact the world around you

These are just a few signs you may be the one we are seeking for

Can you become one of Us

Email us at: