The Temple of Immanuel

Welcome to our Fraternity where you don’t have to be a college or University student to become a part of a fast growing male fraternity, but you do have to be one of the chosen few. “You have to fit in to get in.” Yes, you have to pledge to the brotherhood and the communities at large, and yes, you have to uphold the chapter by-laws and standards of conduct, No it’s no hazing, no secret handshake, no paid-for lessons or degrees, no rituals that have to learn, yes, it required you to use your brain, yes, you have to do a little studying, here is the fun part we have a lot of fun and play, we party we keep it in moderation and we live life to the fullest.

These some of the Highlights of our Fraternity

This will give you some ideal what the Temple of Immanuel as a fraternity what we are about

Knowledge basic fraternity

We education of the mind, body and spirit, we believe that the truth with set our mind, spirit, and body free. Not our truth, but the truth that have been proven by time.

Non-religious Organization

We are not atheists or agnostics we believe in one God the supreme being the created and ruler of the universe. We build our temple on principles and morals that is our foundation.

Non-College or University fraternity

Our fraternity is more like the Mason, Scottish Rite Lodge, but with great different. no rituals, We don’t pay for our degrees. We come not to change the world (culture) only to change ourselves .

Only a Few Good Men

We come to empowerment men to become leaders. We don’t except every man to become one of us, We want the best to be an example for the rest. Leadership, do you have what it takes?

Your Rights in the Brotherhood

Every Brother have a right to his own destiny he have a right to choose, He have a right to learn from his own mistakes, He have a right to fact check any information that are giving by the Temple of Immanuel. Brothers or Freemen

Our Charities and Community Service

We are taught to give back to our family first, our communities, Our state, and our country. We have a program call CSP with each member coming into the temple of Immanuel must become a part of the Community Service Project

We are Builders

The brotherhood came to build the Temple which was destroyed my ignorance of not knowing self. We know without the spirit of God we can’t unity and become whole . “The spirit brought all things unto thought before it was manifest into reality.”

We are mighty Builders

  • We build strong family
  • We build strong community
  • We build strong character

Spiritual Knowledge

  • We Come attain deeper knowledge of self
  • We Come to get education from all sources
  • We don’t put God in a building, God is omnipotent

“As a body is build of cells and a house of bricks, so a man’s mind is built of thoughts in the same way ”

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